
The Dooples in the Land of Doo

Toy box
Through the combination of entertainment and education, children may not even realize they are learning. The recognition that early literacy skills and strategies are the key to success underlies the design of each episode.This versatility can be used to teach values such as: promoting self esteem, distinguishing right from wrong, risk – taking, making mistakes, recognizing differences, and appreciating diversity. In addition, The Dooples develop a strong conceptual base that relates to other important life skills that include survival, health and saving the environment.“The Dooples” provides instruction essential to early language and mathematical development in an engaging manner.
It is a great way for teachers and parents to get children excited about learning. This innovative, ground-breaking educational force is now ready to enter the national market, with a 22-minute pilot episode of a musical animated children’s television show that is ready to launch.

The Dooples are a friendly group of writing implements who live in the Land of Doo, and come to life at night. They enjoy many adventures and experiences, through which children empower themselves with their own imagination. They personify the conviction that to learn is to do and to do is to learn. The inherent faith in the human spirit is implicit in the program’s design and appeal. The value of making mistakes, success through collaboration, tolerance, and understanding are just some of the life lessons that the Dooples impart in its various formats (animation, print, toys, computer applications, live performance, electronic media, etc.). Children join the Dooples on the joyful journey of life and learning.Through the adventures of Gadobie, Cecil, Penny, Markus, Spectrina and Chalky, children learn the joy of “dooing.” “The Dooples” teaches children the letters of the alphabet, sounds and symbols, shapes, mathematical thinking and reasoning, and much more. These unique writing tools can accomplish fantastic things by flipping on their heads and tap into each child’s endless fascination with his or her own powers by employing a series of pro-active, “learn by doing” experiences.


Toy box

TELEVISION – Animation

The Dooples and the Land of Doo is a multi-media, integrated program designed to motivate primary age children to learn. The Dooples teach traditional foundations for the writing/reading connection. To date, an introductory 22-minute musical adventure, complete with engaging animation and original songs, has been created and is ready for viewing. “The Dooples” is a full-blown modern media force, poised to explore many avenues which are capable of connecting with viewers through a wide variety of outlets.

A Sneak Preview

The Dooples are on the verge of becoming a musical animated TV series, with supportive ancillary products. We welcome all interested parties to join us on this exciting venture. Here is a little snippet of our wonderful program.

“The Dooples in the Land of Doo”

Gadobie Cecil Spectrin Penny Markus The Era doosharp Mr. DDDSquishgy Ignority chalky